The partnership works together in a lean governance model and provide a broad range of services :

  1. Guidance and Inspiration : visit our testimonials and experiences pages
  2. Maturity Scan : the Digitalis Digital Maturity Scan is a series of assessments helping you understanding your level of maturity with digitization and helping us to be able to better understand where to help you.
  3. Business Planning :
  4. Training & Education (providing training related to digital skills) : our partners have an offering of educational sessions and trainings specifically for Digitization. DIGITALIS will train and upskill the workforce in manufacturing companies. To fully deploy the benefits of digitalisation different trainings will be offered for different levels in the organisation (shop floor people as well management, engineering, support)
  5. Test Before Invest : throughout the years we have been working with many different technology providers, we have gained a lot of expertise in evaluating, installing, integration and operating them. This program will help you selecting and testing technologies. Manufacturing SMEs will be offered access to the DIGITALIS infrastructures to be able to test new digital shop floor technologies before implementing them
  6. Financing Support (support to find the necessary financial means either for the production company or the technology providers): partners VOKA and LSEC have been supporting their member companies in attracting financial means for innovation, go to market and expansion. We will help manufacturing SMEs to define the funds needed for the digital transition and in finding the most suitable financial means for the digital projects to fast-track the implementation at the SMEs
  7. Go-to-market Support – Ecosystem : all DIGITALS partners are committed in making your Digital Transformation case a success, helping you finding the right partners and supporters. We will enhance peer to peer learning both regional and on a European level and connect technology suppliers with end user SMEs to expand the digital ecosystem

DIGITALIS will offer its services without cost or for a reduced price (while never exceeding the actual cost) to the target group. The general philosophy is that all efforts which are spent to reach the target group of manufacturing SMEs and provide them with information related to the activities of DIGITALIS and digitalisation in general are free of charge and that specific and dedicated services for companies will be charged at a reduced price.