Access to adequate finance is for many SMEs a major obstacle in their path towards digital transformation or when they want to scale their business. Adequate financing is typically hard to obtain for companies in their start-up and scale-up phase or when they want to engage in innovative R&D projects. This is especially the case for SMEs with a disrupting business model or that want to launch (digital) high-tech projects.

DIGITALIS will provide support to access to financial instruments both equity-free, debt and private funding.

In the page Connections to Finance you will find a directory of VC’s, Business Angels, Private Equity and other financing instruments that could be of interest to further investigate.

Some existing expertise from VOKA :

  1. I’m searching for Venture Capital (NL)
  2. Financing in difficult times (NL)
  3. Innoviris as partner for innovative companies in Brussels (NL)

Multiple partners already have programmes in place that support organisations with their access to finance. These programmes range from information and inspiration sessions, to matchmaking sessions and short and long-term financing trajectories to coach and prepare organisations to increase their investor readiness and prepare financing plans. Voka’s programmes such as Voka Xpertfinder. In addition, Voka is partner for introductions to PMV, IMEC-istart and LSEC SecurIT (INNOSUP-01). The relationship with European initiatives such as InvestEU and PhotonHub Europe, where European Photonics Venture forms and coaching session are organised will be explored during the hubs’ operation. This service will be further developed during the start of the EDIH.

Overview of public financing instruments and funding mechanisms in Flanders – mainly for Flanders-based companies (having an office with a location in Flanders with people working in Flanders) :

  1. VLAIO Groeisubsidie (for SMEs) – up to 50k EUR – thematic (internationalisation, digitizing, circular, innovation, …) : KMO groeisubsidie
  2. VLAIO Portefeuille (for SMEs) – up to 7.5k EUR per year for education and training of personel : KMO portefeuille
  3. VLAIO Research project – up to 60%, with a minimum of 100k EUR : Onderzoeksproject
  4. VLAIO Development project – up to 50%, with a minimum of 25k EUR up to 3mio EUR : Ontwikkelingsproject
  5. VLAIO ICONs – up to 60% (for SMEs) and funding of the research partners : ICON projecten
  6. Flanders Make ICONs – up to 60% (for SMEs) and funding of the research partners : Flanders Make ICON
  7. imec ICON – up to 60% (for SMEs) and funding of the research partners : imec ICON

Overview of private financing instruments and funding mechanisms mainly for SMEs (non exhaustive list)

  1. imec Istart – starting with 50k EUR, guidance and support for a capital investment in the company : imec Istart
  2. Angelwise – angel investment fund, guidance and support – connection to other funds and angel investors : Angelwise
  3. BAN Vlaanderen – Business Angel Network Flanders : pitch your innovation case in front of a group of individual private investors with a lot of business expertise : BAN Vlaanderen